Sports, leisure activities, travel industry
Industry Team
Our teams have in-depth interdisciplinary expertise on the legal and technical IP challenges in your industry.
Eirik Rødsand
Attorney at law / Senior partner
Eirik is an IP litigation lawyer with 20 years’ experience and an acknowledged expert in the strategic use of Intellectual Property Rights.
Jan Weitzenböck
Patent attorney
Jan er patentrådgiver og utdannet doktor i materialteknologi, erfaring fra anvendt forskning, kvalifisering av teknologi, rådgivning og sertifisering fra maritim og energi sektor.
Anette Robsahm Røhmen
European Patent Attorney / Partner
Anette Robsahm Røhmen is a European Patent Attorney.
Endre Woldstad
European Patent Attorney / Partner
Endre Woldstad is a European Patent Attorney working within technology sectors such as electric power systems, power electronics, and offshore oil and gas technology.
Marie Sæbø
Attorney at Law
Marie er advokat og IP-rådgiver, og har bred kompetanse innenfor immaterialrett. Hun har tidligere jobbet som politiadvokat.
Tine Almeland Knudtzon
European Patent Attorney
Tine is a patent attorney and a civil engineer in Product Development and Production, specializing in product development in, among other things, offshore, aquaculture and sports.