FMCG, food and nutrition industry
Industry Team
Our teams have in-depth interdisciplinary expertise on the legal and technical IP challenges in your industry.
Elen Margrethe Brendeford
Patent attorney
Elen has a background with a doctorate in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Oslo. She has worked in the Patent Office for over 10 years. From 2017.
Martha Næss Borge
Attorney at Law
Martha is an Attorney-at-Law and IP adviser and has worked extensively within the intellectual property law.
Edmund André Høydahl
European Patent Attorney
André is a European Patent Attorney with a background as a pharmacist and holds a major in pharmaceutical chemistry.
Eivind Roverud
European Patent Attorney
Eivind has extensive experience from patenting within life-sciences.
Eivind Roverud
European Patent Attorney
Eivind has extensive experience from patenting within life-sciences.
Marie Sæbø
Attorney at Law
Marie er advokat og IP-rådgiver, og har bred kompetanse innenfor immaterialrett. Hun har tidligere jobbet som politiadvokat.