European Trademark Attorney
We identify, secure, protect and defend trademark rights, recognizing the crucial link between IP and business success.
Prosecution before NIPO and EUIPO
As Norway’s largest ‘top-tier’ IP law firm, we’ve worked on some of the world’s biggest, highest-profile and most complex IP litigation cases.
We’ve handled and prosecuted cases in more than 140 different jurisdictions. Our team of trademark attorneys and attorneys-at-law offers a unique and compelling combination of valuable experience. Some have background from the Norwegian Trademark Office, some joined Onsagers from corporate in-house roles, while others bring litigation and enforcement specialization to the team. Whatever their background, all understand the crucial link between IP and business success.
Onsagers has a Best Practice group focused on reducing average prosecution costs.
We invite you to get in touch with us to find out more about how this can work to your advantage.