Career history
2024 – d.d.: Onsagers AS, European Patent Attorney
2008 – 2024: Curo AS, European Patent Attorney
1998 – 2008: Curo AS, Patent engineer
1995 – 1998: Nyfotek AS
1993 – 1995: SINTEF
1986 – 1992: Center for Industrial Research
1982 – 1986: Norwegian Industrial Property Office
2007 – 2008: Ceipi EQE Training course
1991 – 1992: Patentkonsulters Samfund, PS Exam
1975 – 1980: NTH, Chemistry – Civil engineering
Norwegian and English
Per is a patent attorney with many years of experience from the Norwegian Industrial Property Office, research institutions and the consulting industry. He prepares and handles patent applications in Norway and internationally and acts as an advisor to clients who have challenges related to patents, be it the clients’ own patents as well as patents in the hands of their competitors.
Per has an academic background in chemistry from NTH (now NTNU) in Trondheim, specializing in industrial chemistry and chemical engineering.
As an examiner in the Norwegian Industrial Property Office and the consulting industry, he has worked with cases in chemistry, especially inorganic chemistry, cement/concrete, fertilizers, aquaculture, chemical engineering, energy production, offshore technology – especially dredging and ROV-related inventions, oil/gas extraction and refining of petroleum products, but also with mechanical inventions, such as agricultural machinery, washing equipment, ventilation systems and safety equipment for ships.
His background from research institutions also gave him experience with agreements, especially NDAs and license agreements.
Per has at times been the Norwegian representative in the Council of epi (European Patent Institute) as well as of the epi committee (PEC) that handles issues related to education in the consulting industry at the European level.
Per has worked on the patent consulting side continuously since 1998, in Onsagers since 2024.