Career History
2004 – Date: Onsagers, European Patent Attorney/Partner
2009 – Date: Academic Responsible for BED-3025 at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
2000 – 2004: Curo (law firm), Patent Attorney
1995 – 2000: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, RWTH Aachen University, MSc Electrical Power Engineering
1995 – 2000: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Electric Power Engineering
1999 – 2000: Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Electric Power Engineering
EPI (European Patent Institute)
NPF (Norske Patentingeniørers Forening)
Norwegian and English
Endre Woldstad is a European Patent Attorney working within technology sectors such as electric power systems, power electronics, and offshore oil and gas technology. He has been an expert witness in several court cases related to patent validity and patent infringement.
He handles patent drafting, prosecution and oppositions before the Norwegian Patent Office and the European Patent Office. In addition, he regularly advises clients in invention capturing, setting up patent strategies and coordinating worldwide patent portfolios.
Endre is the academic responsible for the “Intellectual Property Strategies” course in the Master’s Degree Program Business Creation and Entrepreneurship at UIT, The Arctic University of Norway.
Key Experience
Key Account Manager for a Norwegian company within the power electronics industry. As Key Account Manager Endre is responsible for planning and managing the relationship between Onsagers and client, for example adapting the communication with the clients in-house patent counsel, evaluating and discussing patentability of new client projects, drafting and filing patent applications in view of the patent strategy and coordinating the portfolio of the client. Key Account Manager for a Norwegian company within the oil/gas industry.
Expert witness in court cases in Norway. Being an expert witness has given me experience in how the legal system is working. Most important is the experience with how important even relatively small details of a patent can end up being during such a legal process. Hence, this experience has been valuable in my consultancy to other clients.