Semiconductors, chips, and encryption technology
Industry Team
Our teams have in-depth interdisciplinary expertise on the legal and technical IP challenges in your industry.
Anders Ervin Solberg
Attorney at law / Partner
Anders is an IP specialist with extensive experience in civil litigation.
Andreas Werner
Patent attorney/ Partner
Andreas is a patent attorney and has extensive experience in IP counseling and management as well as IP administration.
Adiamir Kapetanovic
European Patent Attorney
Adiamir is a EPA with significant experience from different technical fields, as hearing aids, oil and gas, fuel/photovoltaic cells and valve technology.
Andreas Werner
IP Management Consultant / Partner
Andreas has extensive experience in IP management and IP consultancy, and holds degrees in Physics and Intellectual Property Law and Management.
Arnulf Crowo
European Patent Attorney / Partner
Arnulf Crowo is a European Patent Attorney with more than 20 years of experience in patent preparation and prosecution, both within Norway and internationally.
Endre Woldstad
European Patent Attorney / Partner
Endre Woldstad is a European Patent Attorney working within technology sectors such as electric power systems, power electronics, and offshore oil and gas technology.
Per Jørgen Reiner
European Patent Attorney / Partner
Per Reiner is, jointly, an Authorised Swedish Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney and former corporate patent counsel with over 20 years’ IP experience.
Per Jørgen Reiner
European Patent Attorney / Partner
Per Reiner is, jointly, an Authorised Swedish Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney and former corporate patent counsel with over 20 years’ IP experience.